MasterClass: Salman Rushdie
Graphics Package

Design + Animation


Designed and Produced


Salman Rushdie is an Indian-born British author. Rooted in historical events on the Indian subcontinent, his novels combine magical realism with historical fiction. His MasterClass teaches a framework for anyone to uncover their unique voice and a path to discover the stories they are uniquely positioned to tell. The Graphics package was designed to reflect a visually vibrant and rich culture, which is where he comes from.
Concept 1


Salman Rushdie’s stories are full of magical realism and the silhouette is a perfect vehicle to push this idea. In this concept, we show the audience outlines of characters and places and leave the details to one’s imagination. The stark contrast of black forms placed in front of bright gradient colors gives us a sense of otherworldliness and drama. It puts us in an in-between state of time and place.
Concept 2


Patterns have stories within them. In every culture, the influences and migration between the East and the West have made their way into this craft. These patterns nod to post-colonialism, and historical references yet feel modern at the same time. The decorative nature of the pattern is a great way to set a stage for titles, chapters, and featured texts.
Concept 3


Salman Rushdie’s process and source of inspiration take the spotlight in this direction by putting his artifacts, notes, and travel documents front and center. This concept focuses on the author himself and indirectly reveals the symbols and characters of his stories. By bringing in decorative artifacts such as stamps and coins from countries, we can give the audience a glimpse into Salman Rushdie’s unique point of view without leaving their homes.
Final Graphics Package

I shaped the comprehensive graphics package, including the intro title, chapters, subchapters, text overlays, and custom animations. Each motif drew inspiration from Sir Rushdie's novels, creating whimsical book covers designed to guide students to his class.